Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New cabin crew uniform of IndiGo

IndiGo has decidedly gone hot and chic with a single piece western tunic outfit complete with hats and scarves. In the airline's own words

 All-in-all, the new uniform, the hats and look oozes oomph and yet is classy, elegant and uber-cool! India’s coolest airline now has India’s hottest looking crew!

Indigo has partnered with fashion designer Rajesh Pratap Singh for the uniform and stylist Ambika Pillai for the make-up, hair, and "model looks" for the crew.

Somewhere between a tennis and a shirt dress, the new uniform is single-piece navy-blue tunic with a highlight of indigo on the belt. Functional and timeless elegance, the new uniform is "No nonsense" in line with the spirit of the airline. IndiGo will also be the first airline in India to feature a hat on its cabin crew.

Celebrity hair and makeup artist Ambika Pillai was brought in to give the crew a new global look. Along the lines of Singapore Airlines and its famous "Singapore Girl" Pillai came up with a standard and unique IndiGo look for all the girls with a set short hair style. The makeup is a beautiful pink and brick red color on the lips and nails makes a remarkable statement and the eyes are nude with a pull out liner, thus creating an entirely new look for the IndiGo cabin crew.

IndiGo is commencing an image revamp ahead of its planned international operations which are due to commence in late 2011.


Anonymous said...

The IndiGo uniform does look nice, but all female cabin crew wearing the same hairstyle is extremely boring and monotonous, besides leaving no space for each individual´s personal touch or personality. We don´t want manufacturing line mass produced robot lookalikes, even if they are pretty

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